123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more



12:16pm 03-17-2024

Your website or blog:

hiii thanks for adding my hosting thing to ur links page ^^
7:13pm 02-25-2024

Your website:


What music you listening to?

hella good lookin website. beautiful art too
4:54pm 02-21-2024

What music you listening to?

RXK nephew
I like this site. Well done
9:03pm 02-19-2024

Your website:


What music you listening to?

right now nothing but i was listening to a riot grrrl playlist earlier today

Visual media (movie/tv/youtube) you recomend?

just watched the anime FLCL not too long ago. pretty great

Random other thing I should check out?

evanora unlimited's new single with taraneh (salt water)
woooo your site is so great! loved goign through your sketchbooks and clothes page and just all the pages look so nice! here a rose for u! for having such a cool site.
11:27pm 02-07-2024
bass drop

Your website:


What music you listening to?

drain gang

Visual media (movie/tv/youtube) you recomend?

the curse
I found you thru a comment in another site's guestbook and you mentioned you were listening to Död Mark and I just wanted to say hell yeah
4:06pm 11-23-2023

Your website:


Random other thing I should check out?

any interest in rpgs? i'm getting some Fear & Hunger wavelengths
your site is really fascinating! the levels of expression are insane. i want to make tjörbokaka so bad. thank you so much for the comment and link!!! i'll make sure to keep my eyes on your work

re: the launch of my site, i had both purchased the domain and made my neocities account (i've had two prior, but it's been a while) simultaneously on november 8th. this wasn't the smartest move since i don't have much experience with code but the excitement got to me lol. i spent that whole day working on the site on a seperate test neocities before i got to a point i liked and transferred it all to the main site, officially going "live" around late evening that day. i'm chipping off things i plan on doing but mostly i'm just learning on the way
2:22am 11-14-2023

Your website:


What music you listening to?

Bending Hectic - The Smile
I just found your site skimming half-hazardly button to button between neocities profiles; I LOVE how your space is designed from the color scheme to the imagery. Hope you explode
9:20pm 11-09-2023
the one and only J
im spying on you, din jevle tönt pöl
12:45pm 11-08-2023

Your website:


What music you listening to?

Softheart - 03 and the view from the bottom of the ocean
hello fellow snowy night enjoyer (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ love your vibe, love the art & graffiti! i gotta try those strawberries with the partially dissolved sugar some time.
12:01pm 09-02-2023
Hey Dazhak ! Thanks for linking to my page Acme Widgets & Gadgets! It was a surprise and an honor I have a new website if you want to see it here https://barbiq62.neocities.org/ Your website is looking good, every time I visit I see something new. Great job! See ya L8R alligator- in a while krokodil!
1:06pm 08-30-2023
this is a really cool site!!
10:52pm 07-01-2023
this is a test